Friday, July 6, 2018

What are Blockchains?

Brian Cox, a business executive based in Memphis, Tennessee, leverages more than 15 years of leadership experience to guide broad-based tech company Surge Holdings as chairman and CEO. Under the leadership of Memphis's Brian Cox, Surge Holdings has a variety of services and ventures relating to blockchain technologies.

Similar to the Internet, blockchain technology was invented around the same time as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. It operates as a type of database for financial transactions between two individuals. These transactions are all digitally signed by the involved parties, thus ensuring the database includes authentic information. 

Since blockchain technology's creation, it has not been significantly tampered with. This is because blockchains are overseen by a crowd of individuals, not by a single entity like a government or bank. Because no one person maintains the blockchain, it is much more secure than other forms of financial ledgers. This security is further boosted by the fact that the database is stored through computers and the internet instead of on paper.

To get a blockchain to work, an existing transaction must be edited or a new transaction must be made. In either situation, nodes within the blockchain activate and verify the history of the individual block that is involved. This block refers to a number of transactional records from the same party and it is linked to other blocks that were previously made in the blockchain by said party. Based on previous transactions, the blockchain determines whether a transaction signature is valid.